Supporters Direct Scotland
Furthering supporter involvement
within Scottish football
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Vote for SD Scotland as Forth Valley’s Favourite Business

We’re asking our friends and followers to spare two seconds and help Supporters Direct Scotland win the prize of being the Forth Valley’s ‘Favourite Business’.

*Vote Here*

The award is being run by the Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce as part of their Annual Awards ceremony which takes place on the 21st of September.

The award is an open vote and any one can vote for a business situated in the Forth Valley area. Although we operate nationally, it’d be nice to think our stakeholders value the range and quality of our work which spans four key areas:

  • The Scottish Supporters Network: The vehicle through which we represent supporters’ views to the Governing Bodies and Scottish Government
  • Colours of our Scarves: Our anti-discrimination programme
  • Club Development Scotland: Our consultancy and support service to community sport clubs across Scotland
  • Supporter Liaison Officers: Working with and upskilling designated Supporter Liaison Officers to improve communications between clubs and their supporters

You can find out more about each of these aspects on our Supporters Direct Scotland website.

So if you’d like to show your support for our work and you value the contribution we make to Scottish sport, please do spare a couple of seconds (it literally takes that long!) and vote for us.

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