Supporters Direct Scotland
Furthering supporter involvement
within Scottish football
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Fan Engagement

Do the club have a democratically elected Supporter Representative on the board of directors?No
Do the club have a Supporter Liaison Officer?Yes
Do the club engage in Structured Dialogue with supporters?No


Do the club publish financial data on their website?No
Do the club list the directors of the club on their website?Yes
Do the club provide details of who owns the club on their website?No
Do the club publish the number of board meetings held, and the directors attending?No

Club Ownership

Club structure: Company Limited by Shares
Share data: April 2024 (

On 24th September 2023, Livingston FC announced that Baycup Ltd and its director John McIlvogue had successfully completed the acquisition of a majority stake in the club. At the present time, the only shareholding to be reported to Companies House is a 3.1% minority share in the club.

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