We’d like to draw your attention to some changes in staffing at SD Scotland.
We’re delighted to announce that we are strengthening and expanding our team, joining us from the 26th of March will be Beverley Mayer who some of you may know from her role as Supporter Liaison Officer at St Johnstone. Beverley will the point of call for members and will take on the development of the Scottish Supporters Network and Supporter Liaison Officer development programme. You will be able to contact her at from the stated date. Beverley will continue in her voluntary SLO role at St Johnstone. Focusing on the growing activity around our consultancy unit, Club Development Scotland, Andrew Jenkin will lead this activity with a view to expanding activity and reaching more clubs with our specialist services.
As a consequence of the above we have a vacancy for a strategic and commercial lead and we are pleased to be welcoming applicants for the part time position of Chief Executive of SD Scotland. Please note the role is a one day a week position and ideally suited to someone with flexible work patterns. You can find more information on the position here.